#5CS27 Mar 2016 South AfricaJack你好!
我2015年7月来到非洲工作,想2017年5月申请WHV,可否满足官网上be ordinarily resident in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) (this requirement is not met if you have been absent from the PRC for more than two years immediately preceding your application)的要求?到时候我在非洲的工作合同还未满,是否可以休假回国申请,从而满足be actually resident in the PRC at the time of applying的要求?
#7OP Kok27 Mar 2016 Malaysia您好Jack,急需协助。
我的先生是 Master of Science inTelecommunication & Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering. 他有十年以上在 职于Telecommunication Network Engineer. 而这个职业是属于Long Term skill shortage list 的。可是表格(EOI)呈交了,他们说我先生的职业不属于 long term skill shortage list. 请问Jack是不是还有其他crIteria to fullfill Long term skill shortage list 和 Telecommunication Network Engineer 呢? 谢谢您。
2楼Sue(29 Mar 2016, New Zealand)申请前应该仔细阅读文档。具体就是上 anzsco 的网站查看你的职业具体职责要求,然后你的劳动合同或者雇主证明信里写的职责描述要和这个相符。
Employees are entitled to rest and meal breaks which:
--give them a reasonable chance during their work period to rest, refresh and take care of personal matters, and
--are appropriate for the length of time they have worked for the employer.
However there are no specific rules for how long, or when, rest and meal breaks should be. Employers and employees should bargain in good faith over the timing and length of breaks.
Common practice is that rest breaks are 10–15 minutes long and meal breaks at least 30 minutes long, but these times vary across industries and occupations. If an employee is unsure what general practice in their industry is, he or she can check with their industry association or union.
Employers should pay for rest breaks but are not required to pay for meal breaks.
An employee and employer can agree to compensation instead of breaks. However employers must compensate employees if no break is given where a break would be appropriate.
There are no set rules as to what appropriate compensation is but where provided it must be reasonable. Compensation is reasonable if of similar value to the break.
Employers must provide appropriate breaks and facilities for employees with babies who wish to breastfeed or express breast milk, where this is reasonable and practicable. These are unpaid breaks unless the employer agrees otherwise.
你好!本人正在就读长期紧缺清单内的专业(LV6),请问毕业后若找到工作是否可以马上申请PR,谢谢! 回复
我全家机票将于7月登陆。本来计划是我去办创移,现在老婆突然同意去读语言学校,考雅思作主申请人技术移民(她是经济信息管理专业,工学学士,豁免211学校,外企10年“IT SUPPORT”工作经验)。
谢谢,期待回复。 回复
我2015年7月来到非洲工作,想2017年5月申请WHV,可否满足官网上be ordinarily resident in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) (this requirement is not met if you have been absent from the PRC for more than two years immediately preceding your application)的要求?到时候我在非洲的工作合同还未满,是否可以休假回国申请,从而满足be actually resident in the PRC at the time of applying的要求?
谢谢! 回复
我的先生是 Master of Science inTelecommunication & Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering. 他有十年以上在 职于Telecommunication Network Engineer. 而这个职业是属于Long Term skill shortage list 的。可是表格(EOI)呈交了,他们说我先生的职业不属于 long term skill shortage list. 请问Jack是不是还有其他crIteria to fullfill Long term skill shortage list 和 Telecommunication Network Engineer 呢? 谢谢您。 回复
请问申请技术移民时 新西兰承认国内的成人大学本科文凭吗?(有学士学位)
谢谢! 回复
这样前后都不搭边的学习和工作经历,还有申请技术移民的希望吗?有没有什么办法或者思路?请您指点。谢谢! 回复
我们不知道下一步该怎么做,是否有和我们情况类似的不足140分却想技术移民的朋友跟我们分享一下经验?万分感谢! 回复
1. 我硕士是免认证学校的,但是本科不是,需要做NZQA认证吗?如果需要,是在提交EOI之前做,还是之后作?我现在39岁了,不想耽误时间。想一次搞定。
2. 我能免雅思吗?我其中一个硕士是加拿大UBC学历,美国和加拿大工作经验4年,但是是2012年回国工作,回国之后去过创业公司,目前在美资跨国企业工作。
Linda 回复
本人已在新西蘭,先拿工作旅遊簽的,現在有fish n chips 公司offer 工簽留下來,1)如果工作滿一年工作經驗,可以申請pr 嗎?2)fish n chips 算是長期需要的工種嗎?謝謝 回复